Speaking đòi hỏi nhiều thời gian ôn luyện cũng như thời gian “mài dũa”, yêu cầu vốn từ vựng đa dạng, khả năng grammar phải vững và khả năng linh hoạt – nhạy bén triển khai ý. Nhằm hiểu được những vấn đề mà người học mắc phải, bài viết tổng hợp bài mẫu Speaking IELTS dưới đây chắc chắn là bài viết hữu ích cho quá trình luyện thi của bạn. Tìm hiểu ngay cùng ETEST!
1. Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS Part 1, Part 2, Part3 theo các chủ đề thông dụng
1.1 Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS Part 1
1.1.1 Sample answer 1: Singing
Question 1: Do you like singing?
Bạn đang xem: Tổng hợp các bài mẫu Speaking IELTS Part 1,2,3 thường gặp
Answer: I do love it, although my vocal is quite terrible. Some people have even told me that they had nightmares after hearing my songs. Anyway, I don’t care much about what they say and just simply do what I like.
Question 2: When do you sing?
Well, I have no particular time for that. I just do it whenever I like, mostly when I take a shower. I also do some karaoke with my lovely neighbors once or twice a week.
Question 3: Will you take singing lessons in the future?
Answer: I’m considering it. I really want to expand my vocal range and make my vocal transition smoother. But the thing is I just can’t arrange the time. You know, I’ve got a lot on my plate at the moment, so that’ll have to wait.
Question 4: Did you enjoy singing when you were younger?
Answer: Yes, a lot. When I was 6 or 7 years old, I sang almost every day, and that even drove my family crazy. My brother told me to shut up all the time and even threatened to hit me, but I just ignored him.
Từ vựng:
- Vocal range /ˈvəʊ.kəl/ /reɪndʒ//: quãng giọng
- Vocal transition /ˈvəʊ.kəl/ /trænˈzɪʃ.ən/: chuyển giọng
- Have got a lot on one’s plate: có nhiều việc phải làm
- Drive SB crazy: khiến ai đó phát điên
1.1.2 Sample answer 2: Decoration
Question 1: What’s the decoration like in your home?
Answer: Well, I just can’t find the right word to describe it because I barely decorate it. I just put in a few small plants, and a picture, and that’s it.
Question 2: What kind of decoration do you prefer?
Answer: I don’t know what “kind of decoration” is available out there, but I’ll go for anything that’s simple. You can say I’m a minimalist. I only buy the necessary things for my home.
Question 3: Do Vietnamese people like decorating their homes?
Answer: Sure. Just like everyone else in the world, Vietnamese people also decorate their home with a whole lot of things: pictures, plants, toy figures, … And I think it’s just normal. You know, everyone wants to make their house look better, right?
Question 4: What’s your favorite color when decorating your home?
Answer: Anything that’s bright, maybe something between white and yellow. You know my skin and my mind are dark already, so I prefer something in contrast.
Từ vựng
- Toy figure: mô hình đồ chơi
- Bright /braɪt/: sáng, tươi sáng
- Minimalist /ˈmɪn.ɪ.məl.ɪst/: tối giản
1.1.3 Sample answer 3: Maths
Question 1: Do students learn math in secondary schools in Vietnam?
Answer: Of course. Actually, they have to learn this subject from primary until the end of high school. It’s a compulsory subject, and I also think it’s necessary for everyone.
Question 2: Do you think math is difficult?
Answer: It depends. Some basic math like making calculations is quite easy. However, things get much more challenging when it comes to something complex like solving a long, big equation or doing a trigonometric calculation.
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Question 3: What can people do with math in their daily life?
Answer: There’s a lot. I think math exists in every aspect of our life. You know, everyone needs to calculate their own money and many other things – that’s math. Some jobs even require more complex and advanced math. For example, an engineer has to do a bunch of things with geometry and other stuff; an accountant has to deal with tons of calculations every day. See, math is important to all of us.
Question 4: Do you learn math now? Why/why not?
Answer: Not formally, but yes. I learn it through my everyday job. I also read some books about math, but not something that we learn in high school or university. I prefer something that’s more applicable.
Từ vựng
- Equation /ɪˈkweɪ.ʒən/: phương trình
- Geometry /dʒiˈɒm.ə.tri/: hình học
- Formally /ˈfɔː.mə.li/: chính thức
- Trigonometric calculation: phép tính lượng giác
1.2 Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS Part 2
1.2.1 Sample answer 1: Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination
You should say
- When it was
- Why you need to use your imagination?
- What you imagined.
- And explain how you felt after that experience.
As I remember, the most recent time I used my imagination was about 2 weeks ago, when I was reading a book called “The adventure of Sherlock Holmes” written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Before reading this book, I had already heard about the character Sherlock Holmes – a fictional detective famous for his “weird” lifestyle and sharp thinking ability.
To be honest, I was glued to every single word in the book. Using imagination when reading a fictional book is a must, but it’s much easier when the narrator is Sir Arthur. I could easily create the images of characters, and follow their actions in sequential events. Reading this book while imagining the whole thing is very much like watching a movie.
I spent a total of 6 hours reading this book without rest because everything was just far too good. I felt a bit tired afterward, but it was worth it considering the experience that I had just had. If you want to develop your imagination, reading good stories like that is definitely one of the best ways as it forces your brain to generate the images and even a whole movie. To me, it’s even better than any cinematic experience that I’ve had so far.
Từ vựng
- Fictional /ˈfɪk.ʃən.əl/: hư cấu, viễn tưởng
- Narrator /nəˈreɪ.tər/: người dẫn chuyện
- Sharp thinking ability: khả năng suy nghĩ sắc bén
- Sequential events: các sự kiện theo trình tự
1.2.2 Sample answer 2: Describe a polite person you know
You should say
- Who he/she is
- How you knew him/her
- What he/she is like
- And explain why you think he/she is polite
Now I’m going to talk about a friend of mine, Nam. He and I were classmates in high school and university, and now he’s working as a software engineer at Microsoft Vietnam.
I first met him nearly 10 years ago when we both entered high school. At that time, he was a naughty student who often played truant, but somehow he still ended up getting very high scores on every test. He wasn’t very polite at that time, or I can say he was very rude, even to our female classmates. His words showed very little respect towards others.
However, he’s a lot different now. Since university, he has learned to be more polite, especially with ladies. The main reason for this change is the breakup with his girlfriend after high school. His girlfriend left just because of his impolite behavior even with her. After that, he vowed to change himself and become a new, better person. Now I think he has all the qualities of a polite person: he considers his words very carefully before saying anything; he says thanks and apologizes when needed; he respects the people around him.
I’m quite impressed with his behavior now. I think politeness is something we should all have. You know, if we’re polite to people, they’re gonna do the same thing to us.
Từ vựng
- Play truant: trốn học
- End up getting very high scores: cuối cùng đạt điểm rất cao
- Vow /vaʊ/: thề thốt
1.2.3 Sample answer 3: Describe a time you made a promise to someone
You should say
- What the promise was
- To whom you made it
- Whether it was easy or difficult to keep
- And explain why you made it
I want to tell you about the time I promised to take my girlfriend to my hometown. It happened just about 4 months ago. At that time, both of us were having a nerve-racking time, so we decided that it was finally the time we should blow off some steam by taking a trip somewhere, or else we’d both go crazy.
Then I noticed that she’d never been to my hometown – Hanoi, so I made her a promise that I’d take her to my hometown to see my parents and all the things there. We made a plan about 2 months before the trip. During that 2 months, a lot of things came up and there was even a short while I thought that we couldn’t make it. However, I still managed to fulfill my promise, and we actually had a very good trip together.
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I think making promises is something that everyone does, but we need to be responsible for our own words. If we promise something, we should try to fulfill it at any cost, or else people will lose trust in us.
Từ vựng
- Blow off some steam: nghỉ xả hơi
- Fulfill one’s promise: thực hiện lời hứa
- A nerve-racking time: thời gian căng thẳng
1.3 Bài mẫu Speaking IELTS Part 3
1.3.1 Sample answer 1: Imagination
Question 1: Do you think imagination is essential for scientists?
Gợi ý câu trả lời:
- Trả lời trực tiếp (answer): đồng ý.
- Lý do: các nhà khoa học phải liên tục tìm tòi cái mới và vì vậy cần trí tưởng tượng để hình dung ra thứ cần làm.
- Ví dụ: nhà khoa học phát triển phương pháp nông nghiệp mới cần tưởng tượng phương pháp sẽ hoạt động ra sao.
Answer: Yes. I agree with this. You know, scientists spend most of their time doing research, surveys and finding new things in their field. Imagination is essential for them because they have to think of what their findings would look like or the consequences of their research before doing it. For example, if a scientist wants to develop a new agricultural method, he needs to imagine what the method will look like, how it will be conducted, and how it’s better than the methods we currently have.
Question 2: What subjects are helpful for children’s imagination?
Gợi ý câu trả lời:
- Trả lời trực tiếp (Answer): tất cả các môn học đều có thể giúp trẻ em phát triển trí tưởng tượng
- Lý do (Reason): tất cả các môn học đều yêu cầu trẻ nghĩ và tạo ra hình ảnh.
- Ví dụ (Example): một số môn học cụ thể.
Answer: For children, I think all subjects can help them develop imagination. It’s simply because all the subjects at school make them think and create images in their mind. For example, in literature, children have to imagine the story narrated in their textbook. In art and music, they need to imagine what their picture will look like before drawing or what the song will sound like before singing. Even in some science subjects, children also have to imagine numbers, chemical reactions, animals, plants, and so on. So basically, children can improve their imagination with almost every subject at school.
1.3.2 Sample answer 2: Impolite
Question 1: What behavior will be regarded as impolite?
Gợi ý câu trả lời:
- Trả lời trực tiếp (Answer): Thực tế có rất nhiều impolite behaviour, chẳng hạn như không lắng nghe, dùng ngôn ngữ không phù hợp.
- Lý do (Reason): Việc trở nên lịch sự là chú ý và quan tâm đến cảm xúc của người khác, và những hành động trên có thể làm tổn hại đến cảm xúc.
- Ví dụ (Example): Việc dùng ngôn ngữ xúc phạm với người khác trong cuộc tranh luận.
Answer: Well, there are a lot of impolite behaviors nowadays, things like not being willing to listen or using inappropriate language. Being polite means that we need to pay attention to and care about others’ feelings, and those actions are actually the opposite. For example, many of us have seen impolite men throwing insulting words to those they don’t have a good feeling with.
Question 2: How can people become more polite?
Gợi ý câu trả lời:
- Trả lời trực tiếp (Answer): thông qua việc học và chú ý
- Lý do (Reason): lịch là một thứ được học qua môi trường, không phải một thứ có sẵn trong mỗi người.
- Ví dụ (Example): có thể học qua người khác, qua internet.
- Ý khác (Alternative): tuy nhiên học phải đi đôi với hành.
Answer: Through learning and paying attention. That’s the only way. Politeness is a product of our environment, not something encoded in our genes, so we can gain it if we learn it. We can learn to be polite from observing the people around us, like our parents, or maybe from the internet. There are several websites that provide us with information about being polite. But the most important thing is that we need to practice it. It’s no use learning if we don’t put it into use.
1.3.3 Sample answer 3: Promise
Question 1: What kinds of promises do people often make?
Gợi ý câu trả lời:
- Trả lời trực tiếp (Answer): khó có thể biết được rõ ràng về các “loại” lời hứa
- Lý do (Reason): mọi người hứa về gần như tất cả mọi thứ.
- Ví dụ (Example): mọi người thường hứa tặng quà người thân, nhân viên hứa làm đúng deadline, …
Answer: It’s very hard to answer this question to the fullest because people make all kinds of promises that they can. For instance, some people promise their friends or family a present, a surprise; doctors promise to save a patient; employees promise to meet their deadlines; … We can make promises with basically everything, you know, so it’s very hard to define any particular “kinds” of promise here.
Question 2: Do you think it’s important for children to learn to keep their promises?
Gợi ý câu trả lời:
- Trả lời trực tiếp (Answer): quan trọng để trẻ em học cách giữ lời hứa
- Lý do (Reason): giữ lời hứa có thể xác định độ tin cậy và uy tín trong mắt người khác
- Ví dụ (Example): nếu không giữ lời hứa với người khác, họ sẽ mất lòng tin vào bạn
Answer: Of course, it’s important. Whether one can fulfill their promise can determine their reliability and credibility in other people’s eyes. If you make a promise to someone and fail to do it, it’s likely that they’ll lose their trust in you. So if we want our children to grow up to be reliable people, we definitely have to teach them to keep promises.
2. Cách dùng công thức A.R.E.A vào bài thi Speaking IELTS
A.R.E.A tựa như một bộ khung mà học viên có thể áp dụng cho phần thi IELTS Speaking. Trong đó công thức A.R.E.A bao gồm:
- A – Answer: Đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp cho phần câu hỏi được đề cập
- R – Reason: Lý do cụ thể cho câu trả lời
- E – Example: Đề cập ví dụ minh họa cho phần trả lời
- A – Alternatives: Có thể đưa ra ý kiến phản bác cho câu hỏi
Triển khai câu hỏi theo công thức này sẽ là “liều thuốc” giúp người học ghi nhớ và rèn luyện tư duy hiệu quả. Tuy nhiên, chỉ nên vận dụng A.R.E.A trong trường hợp cần thiết và với mỗi câu hỏi chỉ cần A.R.E là đủ, phần Alternative có thể có hoặc không.
Học luyện thi IELTS Bài viết trên đây tổng hợp các bài mẫu Speaking IELTS được Anh ngữ Du học ETEST cập nhật từ các chủ đề mới nhất năm 2022. Hy vọng qua những thông tin trên giúp ích cho chặng đường luyện thi của bạn. Theo dõi Anh ngữ Du học ETEST để bổ sung nhiều kiến thức bổ ích mỗi ngày!
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Danh mục: Luyện thi Ielts